QUBRICS project

QUasars as BRIght beacons for Cosmology in the Southern hemisphere

QUBRICS database In order to access the QUBRICS database you need to connect (via ssh) to the server host. :

# Connect to public server machine
ssh quusr@cats.oas.inaf.it

Once connected you may access the DB using the client on the server host:

# Connect to MariaDB server
quusr@cats:~$ mysql -u quusr -p QubricsWeb

# Run a query:
MariaDB [QubricsWeb]> SELECT qid, RAd, DECd, objtype, z_spec, PanSTARRS1DR2_mag_Y FROM All_info WHERE otypeid=1  AND  z_spec > 4  AND DECd < -20 LIMIT 100;

Alternatively you may setup a tunneling on the server host with the following command:

# Connect to public server machine
ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -L 3306: quusr@cats.oas.inaf.it

and use a MySQL-compliant client on your machine. E.g.:

mysql -u quusr -p -h -P 3306 -D QubricsWeb

The relevant tables are:

  - All_info;
  - QubricsObservations;
  - KnownQSOs.

NOTE: in order to avoid very long query execution times the search criteria should be given only on one (or more) of the following columns:
  • qid;
  • RAd;
  • DECd;
  • otypeid;
  • Q1_SkyM3_mag_i;
  • PanSTARRS1DR2_mag_Y;
QUBRICS catalogs Here the reference (link?) to the public FITS catalogue.
INAF logo
G. Calderone & L. Nicastro 2021